ENIGMA the UCLA Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Gaming Club





Enigma Library


Enigma Home Page
Updated 10/27/2006


Enigma on the Internet

In addition to the Enigma web pages and a general e-mail address (Enigma), Enigma has two e-mail listservs on the Internet: a main list for club business and announcements and a chat list for random discussions, humor, and flame wars. These two lists often serve as the primary method of announcing and/or planning Enigma activities.

In addition to keeping Enigma members apprised of the latest news, gossip, humor, or complaints, the Enigma listservs keep the club in touch with its extended membership, Enigmans who have moved on from UCLA into the "real world", though some of us doubt that such a thing exists. Long-distance Enigmans currently live in many parts of California, scattered across the U.S. (including notable enclaves in Phoenix and Boston), and even a few other continents.

To subscribe to the lists, use the following links:
       Main List: enigma-l
       Chat List: enigmachat-l
       News List: enigmanews-l

Read on to see what you're getting into (taken from the Enigma wiki):

[enigma-l] - aka, the mainlist. (club announcements, public event invitations)

enigma-l is moderate traffic (7 mails a week) and is recommended to everyone. Everyone may post, but posts are moderated for appropriateness (has to be a club announcement, or a public event invite.) Subscribers to enigma-l automatically get a copy of the enigmanews-l announcement forwarded to the enigma-l list.

[enigmanews-l] - aka, newslist (once or twice-a-week brief digest of selected items from enigma-l and enigmachat-l)

enigmanews-l is very light traffic (no less than 1 e-mail per week, and no more than 2), announcements-only list (no user posting allowed) and is recommended to people who want to get a newsletter-style announcement of club events once or twice per week. If you are subscribed to enigma-l, you automatically get a copy of the enigmanews-l announcements.

[enigmachat-l] - aka, the chatlist (discussion, queries, general announcements, and everything else)

enigmachat-l can have extremely heavy traffic (30 emails within 24 hours), but is sporadic. All members may post. This is where a lot of useful information resides, if you can keep up with it. If you wish to keep up with enigmachat, it is recommended that you use Google Mail or some other threaded mail client to handle traffic. There is also a Enigma Web Forum that subscribers can access. If you use the web forum, it is recommended that you set your chatlist subscription to no-delivery after subscribing, so that you can still post, without getting extra mail in your e-mail box.


Digested copies of each list are available by setting the appropriate controls from the subscriber control panel for each list. Some e-mails are time-sensitive, so be aware that digesting may cause you to miss certain short-notice announcements.

(Note that both of those list names end in a lower-case letter L, not the numeral one.)